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Any news regarding future updates? :((


no news on the patreon, kofi or their tumblr, sadly i think this is another wonderful wip that prematurely ended with no news.

(1 edit) (+15)(-1)

I'm certain we are all aware of the reasons behind this occurrence. To be more specific, we know who are responsible for it. Words have a great deal of power...

Perhaps some folks around here could benefit from learning to respect and appreciate the hard work authors put into crafting these interactive fictions.


Wow, I appreciate someone bringing attention to this issue; it's disheartening to see some individuals being so rude to the author. It's terrible to recall that one user, deliciao Lola or something, went as far as to call those enjoying this interactive fiction as degenerates! It's funny, though I can't seem to find that comment now; perhaps it's been deleted. It's just wild!

 Right now, all I hope for is that the author is doing well and staying safe.


Agreed on that, i was just thinking about this IF and was searching forever to find it (i forgot the name but remembered the entire premise lol) and was so happy when i did! But i was so upset woth all the  rude and unnecessary comments under here. Just plain oht rude and uncalled for. I hope the author is doing well, they deserve joy in thier lives.

Deleted 314 days ago

I hope it's only a hyatus


No daddy character, skip


incest is gross :(

Deleted 1 year ago

after seeing our cousins an RO I'm kinda glad this one died

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Nope! I'm backing and as strong as ever :p


I love this game poor mc and his family went though so much and aunty so sweet D:

(1 edit) (+6)


Disclaimer :If there was foul play




I need more! This is an amazing interactive fiction and I am dying to see what happens next!

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

This is already a joy so far. I adore both brothers and look forward to more with the RO's...particularly Helios and Finn. I really hope to see this continued. <3


oh my god just reading the premise made me so giddy and the name MEDEA? consider me sold im gonna read this as soon as possible👌👌


No!!! I was so intrigued by the story, Im so exited for the next chapters to come out, it was awesome! Great work!


Nothing but tears 😭



(2 edits) (+4)

Amazing work. Really amazing. It has a really interesting world and even more interesting characters. And since I'm something of a masochist myself is perfect because I will suffer not knowing when it will be completed. But good things happen to those who wait so... patience. I wanted to ask, I have had a story in my head for some time and finally I found Twine, a tool that will help me giving it shape. The problem is that a have the coding and programming skills of boomer. Where can I find information about it? A video, document, anything. Thank you, and wish you all the luck in the world in both your personal life as in the writer one.

P.S: When you said that some romances were controversial, you don't mean... My brothers did you? If so you're evil... And I like it >:)


Hi thanks so much for the kind words. Before I go into talking about resources, I'll kindly confirm that your brothers are NOT romantic options (LOL) everyone else is far game :) 

I understand how daunting it starting up. I'm self taught and very much a beginner in twine and coding, but I'll do my best! 

Now for Twine resources, it does depend on which story format you  wish to work with. Twine has about 5 different formats to choose from: Harlowe (the default), Sugarcube (which TSR runs on), Snowman, and Chapbook. Each format has it's advantages and disadvantages, but I personally use Sugarcube because my favourite IFs use it (haha) and it's has quite a few resources online. I cant speak for the other formats because I don't use them. But Chapel has an amazing breakdown on everything for twine and makes great plugin/macros  for authors. 

If you haven't created an account already, I do recommend creating a tumblr. Tumblr has a very large and supportive community over there with a lot of authors provided their own coding knowledge and resources to help out those just starting out. You'll be able to promote the game/story even before you're able to release it, so it's great for building a community as well.  If you do decide on working in Sugarcube, I'll be more than happy to help out. You can always ask me a question over on Tumblr, where I am most active or you can toss me your discord on tumblr if you want something more private. 

The hardest part is starting out, but anyone can do it!!! I am more of a visual artist before I am a writer or a coder, so it can be done! 

(1 edit) (+3)

Thank you so much Lili, for answering, it just like you say, it's very hard to start and being oblivious to coding doesn't help. At all. And you're kind enough to offer your help which you'll come to regret in the near future because I will ask. A lot. Its very hard to have a story, a world and characters in my head and not give them shape with words. I actually wanted to make a visual novel with the story i have but due to certain factors in my life, including the drawing skills of a neanderthal, I can't. But Twine is the perfect alternative. Thank you again for showing me the way. You're my personal Gandalf lol.

P.S: No romance with siblings? You're not evil... And I don't like it 😒 (jk)


No problem! The struggle is real and getting the ball rolling is the hardest part! I wanted to try making VN myself, but I was scared of all the coding and Twine is much friendly alternative for someone who's completely new to the programming/coding scene. 

Good luck! I'm here if you need me. Just take everything one step at a time <3 

Ps. I think I am plenty evil...we just haven't gotten there yet :) 


Thanks. Will do.

P.S: O_O I'm actually scared now. 


Aahh I think I'm too intrigued by Medea especially already...

Excited for more! Promising start.


You really got those first acts perfect. I truly immersed myself in a kid way in over his head. Great writing, hope you continue.


ANYTHING MY BROTHERS SAYS GOES (hi yes I love this and I adore our brothers sm)


dat feel when a dm forced you to roll dice just to mess with your character and you rolled a natural 1

"You had wet the bed again."



Bruv not gonna lie.  Looks very cool


Ah! This update was excellent, and also very emotional. Great job! Can't wait to hear more.


Let's go so excited

(2 edits) (+13)(-1)

Just read the update and Jesus this kid can't catch a break 🤦🏻‍♀️ writing was so good it depressed the hell out of me for him. 

Edit: Helios's description made me chuckle 🤣

(5 edits) (+7)(-1)

Thanks for the update. The story and all the characters have me fully enthralled. My favorite character is our oldest brother. God, that guy went through a lot. I want to hug him so bad, and my MC will say that everything is going to be okay. Sieghardt—I don't mind him, even though he's distant. Everyone has a different way of coping, and that's his coping mechanism. And the Empress—what a shame! I like her character, and my MC treats her as a mother figure; she's going to be missed. Overall, LIs and other supporting characters have flaws like real people and unique personalities; it's rare for me to feel this kind of attachment to the IF genre. I will definitely keep my eyes on this gem. For our dear author, would you mind giving us more hints or details about the unrequited love warning in the LI section? I'm kind of afraid because when I pursue a LI, I want them to have a fully proper route, not just a fling. Personally, I can handle other issues, except that LI rejects our love when we actively pursue them, so spare us the heartache, please.

And for you guys, read the disclaimer about this game before you play; the genre is dark fantasy and medieval, and if you know historically how the aristocrats lived, you will know the gist of it. We all have our preferences and our limits, and that’s okay. If you don't like it or get triggered, drop the story and move on. Don't bring the vibe down in the comment sections.


An update!? We are truly blessed rn...I'm so bloody excited to read it ^^


Loving this a lot so far, and interested to discover why we get the ring over our older siblings.
Also, I really shouldn't as enthusiastic as I am about the 'controversial' ROs, but heck it, bring 'em on! :D


Quite an atmospheric story, I'm looking forward to fighting scary demons and babadook spooks. Who cares about a ring, the squirrel ... I must have it ... give it to me ... NOW.


This got me hooked! Loving how u write the story. Can't wait for more amazing updates<3


Really enjoyed it , actually sucked me in which is more than I can say for most works these days. Obviously there are typos and grammatical errors but not anything so bad to make it unreadable.  You did a great job so far.

(1 edit) (+1)

Absolutely amazing, got chills and everything. The music is such a great touch!! I felt like it was too fast-paced but that's imo. Also I read about the grooming part- I was wondering if it's a small part in the story or its going to drag out-?(Just wondering so I could prepare myself)

The MC 24/7:


The grooming aspect is a part of a character's backstory, but it will probably be left implied and ambiguous, but that may be subject to change. 

Thanks for enjoying the game so far! <3 


Ooo okok. Thank you for the heads up!! I hope you don't push yourself too much, making a game and writing does take a lot of energy(from pass experience) anyways I love the diverse vocabulary :3


Typos galor. But still excited to see more of this.

Also i hear you can indeed romance Eirik? im not into incest part buuuuut

dark content to make my soft kind baby boy baby mc to suffer? potentially abusive romance route to bully my anxious mc boy? my dumbass naive mc actually managing to gain his love?

I look forward to this being completed

Need any help fixing grammar tho? I like this so i dont mind giving some help


Hi, thank you very much for the offer!

If you're still open to helping out, you can shoot me your discord/email in my tumblr inbox. :)


I guess I can finally call myself... The Lord of The Rings


great prologue so far,genuinely intriguing and pulls you into the world. also oh my god,this protagonist is gonna need YEARS of therapy from the prologue alone.

(1 edit) (+1)

You have me smiling then crying man- keep it up.

Very intriguing prologue, looking forward to more drama unfolding :) 


I love this story and how long the prologue is! Ty for blessing me with this!


i need more 😭😭😭😭😭


so, i thought i liked the story, but apparently our cousin is an romance option (i'm not playing a game with disgusting morals)


See you! Glad you like the Prologue.~

Romancing Eirik is the one of the least F*ked up thing in the story. This game is def not for you.  


the other fucked up things in the story u wrote weren't kind of the MC's background? what does that even has to do with u putting the option of a incestuous relationship?

(3 edits) (+21)(-1)

You said didn't want to play a game with disgusting morals. I am reaffirming that belief.  I'm informing you (and other people who may come across your comment) that the optional hidden romance with your cousin, is in fact one of the more moral aspect (as it is morally questionable, but politically astute) of the story.  If that makes you uncomfortable, then everything else in the content warning will probably make things worse. Because they are in fact, much worse. 

This is game, at it's core, is a political drama about solving a succession dispute between cousins. Those familiar with the political fantasy drama genre (or GOT/ASOIAF in general) will know what sometimes happens when there is a need/want to consolidate the line succession in noble families with cousins. 

This game is dark and Eirk's Route are for the sick bitches like me who don't mind exploring the more taboo/unconventional aspects of game scenario. And for those who don't want to engage with it, there are the other conventional/wholesome  romantic interests for them to pursue. (Thea and Finn are a good place to start!) 

It's not for you and that's okay. The IFs genre is very large and there are probably other games that can scratch the same itch for you. 


(2 edits) (+8)

Lmao, this is fantasy and historical. Royals used to marry their own blood all the time with the belief that it will keep their bloodline "pure". If you can't even accept historical facts than I agree that this story is not for you. The old age was not pretty nor filled with rainbows and unicorns. Cinderella lied to you. There's no such thing as happy ending.

(2 edits) (+14)(-1)

Oh mate, that's the least messed-up thing here, therefore the author is undoubtedly correct. I don't know what planet you reside on, but I can assure you that people still marry cousins today on earth(I've seen them)..

~ Please say goodbye to the IF and yourself if the story doesn't meet your expectations. 

You have the audacity to criticize the author for crafting the tale in their own distinctive way. Which is quite awful  and.....You need to develop the ability to criticize someone while remaining polite.


incest still happening those days doesn't make it less fucked up (and yes, i also have seen but bc i have uncles that date their cousins). now let  me tell you; i wasn't criticizing anyting, i was saying the obvious (this game has d-i-s-g-u-s-t-i-n-g morals).


if you want to pretend that this is right js bc it happens in real life, or as the author, bc you are a "sick bitch", i couldn't care less.


Since you don't seem to want to understand anything at all, allow me to say this plainly.

Whether you agree with the author's narrative or not, your opinion won't make much of a difference to it.

I apologize if this sounds impolite, but you must accept the above words regardless of how you feel about it.

If this isn't for you, you'd be better off forgetting it.

~The writer did point out that the game is a dark fantasy, and .... we all know that politics was never a place for fairytales.. 

You speak in a manner that can only be described as RUDE.

You claim that you don't give a damn, yet your words clearly show that you do.

Have a good day ahead :)


did i said the story sucked? no.  did i say that I (myself) wasn't going to play bc i didn't like of certain thing? yes, i did. did i try to tell someone not to read/play because of it? no, i didn't. you seem to think i  was trying to get something out of it, like make the author feeling bad (bc u called me rude and impolite) bc of it? i'm not gonna keep answering, go touch some grass and stop fighting other people fights, the author had already said something to me before u replied (i couldn't care less about sounding polite, u would be alike if u weren't trying to look like the right one)

(1 edit) (+4)

 The story has such an intriguing premise and such a fantastic start.  you're bloody talented, dear author!!

Despite the fact that I have only read the prologue...I would still be furious if somebody were to hurt my brothers 💀 🗡️

Without a doubt, this is one of my favorite IFs ever. I'm excited for more ✨❤️ 


Thank you so much for the very nice comment! I like you!  😭 

I hope you enjoy Chapter 1 when it comes around as well ❤️

(4 edits) (+1)

We like youuu😭 ✨

I'm certain I'll enjoy chapter 1 in the future!!


That was absolutely gorgeous!
— The UI is simple and elegant, It's one of my favorite Twine IF design so far!
— The characters are real and complex, even though there's only the prologue, we can already see that.
Can't wait for chapter one, I'll keep an eye on this one for sure. :)

The original template was made by Vahnya! So I can't take all the credit :D I'm flattered you enjoy the characters from the demo alone!! 

Hope to see you again for Chapter 1 ! 


Soo sad to see the demo end. Was really goood. Felt so bad for the MC poor kid


I love the demo, it's very good. You got me there. Good luck with the rest, I can't wait to get back to my brothers. 😊

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