Big Celebration Poll(s) (Thank you for 36k+ browser plays and 1k Followers!) <3

Hello, hello! I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the support this game has gotten over the past year. I'd never imagine this silly little game would get over 36.4k+ browser plays, 700+ downloads and over 1k followers. It means more than you know. As a thanks, I'm hosting a little special poll for original art as thanks! 

There are two character polls one on tumblr (public) and the other on patreon (paid tiers only). The patreon poll winner will feature an extra special spicy NSFW treat for paid members there! (You can also play the original alpha demo as well.) But there will be three winners in total. 

Thank you again for all the support! I am working on the last half the next update. It should be  done soon <3 


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